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William Burke | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Thank you for visiting my Galleries.
Please respect my Copyright.
I'm a nice guy... usually - so if you want to use an image, please just ask.

If you use without permission, Guido will hunt you down and pummel you with a turnip... or something. ;-D
On Assignment - Questio pro Verum
[ On Assignment - Questio pro Verum ]
[ Heartland ]
A Citizen goes to Washington for the 1st time.
[ A Citizen goes to Washington for the 1st time. ]
An American Tradition in Pueblo
[ An American Tradition in Pueblo ]
Do you have a lizance for that Minkey?
[ Do you have a lizance for that Minkey? ]
My photo a day... or every so whenever.
[ My photo a day... or every so whenever. ]
Tea'd Off in Colorado Springs
[ Tea'd Off in Colorado Springs ]
2009 IAFF Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial
[ 2009 IAFF Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial ]
Storm Clouds Threatening
[ Storm Clouds Threatening ]
The Evolution of Motel Dun Rovin
[ The Evolution of Motel Dun Rovin ]
[ Primates ]
Free Republic
[ Free Republic ]
In a Word
[ In a Word ]
People and Portraits
[ People and Portraits ]
A Pair of Queens
[ A Pair of Queens ]
Oldworld Riverview Festival
[ Oldworld Riverview Festival ]
MCAS - Tustin
[ MCAS - Tustin ]
Gitche Manitou
[ Gitche Manitou ]
Dum Tacet Clamat
[ Dum Tacet Clamat ]
[ rockisland ]
What About BillyBob?
[ What About BillyBob? ]
2008 Colorado Springs Balloon Classic
[ 2008 Colorado Springs Balloon Classic ]
2010 Colorado Springs Balloon Classic
[ 2010 Colorado Springs Balloon Classic ]
Let's Get Smmmall
[ Let's Get Smmmall ]
[ onward_and_upward ]
Wolves In Canada
[ Wolves In Canada ]
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