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Guest 08-Nov-2013 20:34
Stan and Maria,
Not sure if you remember me, but I was a friend of Elio's. Back in @ 1976 I visited with your family in Lecce. So today, 11/8, for some reason I remembered Elio's birthday (I think it's on the 8th? )and found your photo site. Great to see all the pictures! Please send my happy birthday wishes to Elio.
Hope you and your family are all well.
Cynde Reid
Les Pierce 09-Mar-2012 22:23
Hi Stan, I was looking for pics of Lecce and noticed that you I and share a surname. Do you have any Welsh ancestry? My grandparents were Welsh who settled in Yorkshire. Your pictures are very evocative. All the best, Les
Dr. David Mercaldo 13-Oct-2011 00:56
Stan has captured the "family" in such a way that we see each member as a sister, brother, aunt, uncle...and of course, Mama and Papa
Shaun Reeder08-Jan-2010 12:49
Stunning Stan! Just had to drop in and glad I did: particularly touched by the Italy photos: how odd that you were in San Gimignano just 4 days after I was(have done many S. G. pics on the other galleries). And: how odd too: I browse through your images unbidden and find my good mate Rufus has put up a comment. Small world; every blessing, Shaun R.
Treas03-Aug-2008 20:56
Thank you for your kind generous comments and your vote.
There are so many beautiful places in the west, Canyonlands is one of my favorites.
I love your Half Dome in snow. Beautiful.
Guest 16-Jun-2008 19:40
Hello Stan.
Thanks for visiting me!!!
I like your galleries.... Tell me. Are you a Christian?? Feels like it to me.


Guest 16-Jun-2008 19:35
Hello Stan.
Thanks for visiting me!!!
I like your galleries.... Tell me. Are you a Christian?? Feels like it to me.


Guest 08-Aug-2007 17:09
Excellent Gallery
Guest 15-Jun-2007 11:05
I can tell that you put a lot of effort into your pictures.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 08:13
You're a true artist.
Guest 06-Mar-2007 15:54´re lucky...a mediterranean family is the best you can get...

regards from Barcelona, a little big town on the mediterranean coast, Volker
Luca Bracci22-Feb-2007 13:49
Thanks for visit to my gallery!!you have some fantastic shots!
Federico D'Incà11-Feb-2007 00:33
Great photos Stan .....just a quick question, i have seen you have a fantastic photo of Yosemite from 1971 .....pls let me know how you digitised it ? Was it by scan ? The quality seems too good for scan ? tks
Thomas Utts 25-Apr-2006 16:43
Just wanted to let everyone know that my new
Clark Air Base history: GI JOE DOESN'T
LIVE HERE ANYMORE is now available.

The book covers the entire history of the base
from the founding of Fort Stotsenberg to the
act-of-God ending with the Pinatubo eruption,
with stories told by those who were there.
For more information go to:

Please tell your Clark friends.

Thomas Utts
13th Air Force Public Affairs Office 71-73
Webmaster: Clark Air Base Scrapbook
andrea morelli19-Mar-2006 21:23
Thanks for visit to my gallery
Peter Bardwell22-Feb-2006 09:47
Stan - thanks for those kind words.
I've had a great time looking through your picture collection, especially because of the family history and other comments you've included - something I all too often don't think to go back and do once I've got the gallery uploaded. They add so much - keep up the good work! Peter
Jeff Flogel14-Oct-2005 23:17
Stan- Thank you for visiting my photos. I did enjoy Lecce, and Puglia in general. The food and wine were great there. I lived in Naples for 2.5 years and really enjoyed it, and picked up several good habits from the Italians. It looks like you have a wonderful family. I'm jealous!

Jeff Flogel
Raimon Argemí09-Oct-2005 18:07
Many thanks for your comment. I have had the opportunity to watch some of your photos and I'm very impressed. I need more time to look carefully. I'll give you some comments in a few days.

Raimon Argemi
Mike Dekker23-Feb-2005 03:08
Stan -

Thanks! My wife's family is from Italy also! Naples.

Keep up the great work!

Take care!
Kerry & Nancy19-Feb-2005 00:48
Stan, Enjoyed your pictures. I picked up on your gallery because my maiden name was Pierce. BTW the first time I was in Seattle was in 1962 visiting relatives and attending the Worlds Fair. Boy how the town has changed since then! Thanks for sharing your pics.
Guest 03-Jan-2005 23:17
thanks to visit my gallery, nice gallery too, expecially your family at florence.
Guest 03-Jan-2005 23:15
thanks to visit my gallery, nice gallery too, expecially your family at florence.
Guest 04-Dec-2004 22:54
Thank you so much for visiting my galleries, Stan! You've got a lot of beautiful pictures here - don't forget to say something if you and your family ever come to Bologna!
Cheers, Elisa
Cees 23-Nov-2004 17:11
Nice pictures. The Olympus C5060wz is a great camera to work with!
Luís Pereira27-Oct-2004 22:20
Hi Stan,
Thanks very much for leaving your kind comment at
I also enjoyed visiting your photos, specially ones of Seattle Downtown.
Best regards.
Guest 02-Jul-2004 16:47
your photos on Italy are all so nice.
One day i hope to visit there. Thats where
my grandfather came from..Keep up the good work
and thanks for sharing.
Simon 21-May-2004 05:10
Great pictures Stan. Quite a life long hobby.