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Peter Sykora | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Graeme04-Sep-2010 09:22
Hi Peter, I came across your galleries this morning and left some comments. I especially like your landscape work.

Kind regards,
Du¹an Hudík-Peèenice 28-Dec-2007 21:59
Ahoj.Tvoje fotky sa mi veµmi páèili.Myslím tie galérie v prvom riadku. Myslím ¾e nestláèas spú¹» len tak nadarmo a toto potvrdzujú aj komentáre k tvojim fotkám od náv¹tevníkov. Prajem dobré svetlo! :-) Du¹an Hudík ml.
Guest 07-Aug-2007 20:38
Great Gallery
Guest 15-Jun-2007 08:29
I'm go glad that I stumbled upon your collection of pictures. They're fantastic.
Zaid Kurdi31-Mar-2007 12:36
Wonderful photos,thanks for sharing,wishing for you the best.
Guest 07-Mar-2007 12:42
Can I just say that you're awesome?