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Profile for Michele
Name Michele (joined 11-Jul-2002) (pbase supporter)
Username michelep
Location United States
United States
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View Galleries : Michele has 48 galleries and 675 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 371662 times.

View Guestbook : 30 messages. Most recent on 16-Jun-2007.

Message from Michele
My camera is Sony A77. Sony Nex 5 has been sold. I just couldn't get use to it, so I so I sold it on Ebay. My one and only camera is my A77 with only 3 lens. I have found what I like and need and will stick to it until I have to purchase another camera.
Another purchase of a Sony NEX5 with 2 lenses was made by me. I received it yesterday 11-23-10. This will be my vacation camera. Much less bulky. So far great little camera packed with big punch.
I moved up again with a Sony Alpha 700 in the middle of March, 2008. I think this is my final move for a long time. I appreciate you taking the time to look at my photo's. I upgraded to a Sony Alpha 100 on June 11, 2007. My first SLR of any kind. The first lens I bought (instead of kit lens) is a Carl ZeissĀ® Vario-Sonnar T* DT 16-80mm f/3.5-4.5 Zoom.
I was using a Sony Cybershot DSC F-828 since Jan. 2004. Some photo's were taken with my older cameras like Sony F717 and a few with Canon S30. Anything taken in Jan, 04 until 6-11-07 was with the 828
Please feel free to give me an honest critique. Also, sign my questbook. Thanks.
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