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Rex Bush 13-Jan-2025 20:27
Today, Monday January 13, 2025, I saw near my office building on Mall Drive a group of quail like birds whose appearance most closely matched that of the common quail.
Kathy K 14-May-2014 18:34
I saw a beautiful bird in our desert willow tree yesterday. He was trying to eat a flower from it. I tried looking up the bird on your site. I think it might be a Southern masked Weaver. It also kind of looked like a lessor goldfinch, but it was much bigger, so I ruled that one out. Do you know if there are simuler birds in the St. George, Utah area? I couldn't find any others.
Gordon Eyre28-Dec-2010 19:41
Thanks for your interest in my photography. I have sent you an Email. Gordon
Kacey 10-Dec-2010 04:49
I'm interested in ordering one of your prints. How would I contact you?
Pam 21-Oct-2008 22:25
Gordon, how can I order one of your photos?
Gordon Eyre06-Jan-2008 14:44
Thanks, I knew what I meant but failed to say it. You are absolutely correct and I will make the change.
Cindi 04-Jan-2008 21:44
Gordon, your photo of the "Manti Temple" in Logan, Utah, is incorrect. Your photo is of the Logan Temple in Logan, Utah. The Manti Temple is similar, but it is all white and is located in Manti, Utah. Just thought you might want to have the correct label for your photo.
Gordon Eyre02-Jan-2008 02:11
Thank you Lloyd, I appreciate you taking the time to comment. Congratulations on your monogamous mariage of 22 years. Now let's see if I have this right, you want me to take pictures of my daughter topless to show to complete stranges on a public website?? I respect all of my children too much for that and would be very disappointed if any of them did not respect themselves more than to allow anyone to take nude pictures of them. My children are my pride and joy and I have taught each of them to be modest, I would think that any of my daughters would be shocked if I were to even suggest that they be photographed that way.

Of course I also realize that many photographers take pictures of nude or semi-nude pictures and I try not to judge them for doing so. It is just not for me or my family.
Guest 16-Jun-2007 11:49
Hope you update soon as I'll be anxiously awaiting.
Gordon Eyre08-Mar-2007 23:37
Thank you for your very nice comment Seth. I appreciate you taking the time to look at my images.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 08:02
Stunning work.
Gordon Eyre02-Dec-2006 21:46
Thank you Jill, I posted a few of these on the Nikon Cafe forum and they really went over well. Lots of nice comments.
Jill 02-Dec-2006 19:34
Half Moon Bay looks great. What a fun day that was and you really captured it!!I like the one of you and Mom- you both loof so Cool!
Gordon Eyre19-Oct-2006 20:23
Thanks John, I appreciate your comment.
John 19-Oct-2006 00:43
Big thanks to webmaster
Gordon Eyre05-Oct-2006 16:59
Thanks for taking the time to look and to comment Chuck. I am from St. George.
CW05-Oct-2006 01:59
beautiful galleries Gordon, are you from St, George ?
Gordon Eyre09-Jul-2006 13:49
Thanks Kirk and Kathy, so nice to hear from you. Hope all is well with you both.
Kathy /Kirk Williams 08-Jul-2006 16:35
Kirk and I were thrilled to see the wonderful pictures you took of our precious grandson! We are glad that all of you had the opportunity to get together with the kids and I know you had a great time. Brett is so fortunate to have married such a special young lady with such a special, loving family. We are blessed in so many ways. Thank you again for bringing some very proud grandparent smiles to our faces this morning! Kirk and Kathy Williams
Gordon Eyre14-Jun-2006 15:09
Tommy, thanks so much for your comment.
Tommy 14-Jun-2006 07:57
Nice site!
Gordon Eyre12-Apr-2006 20:36
Erik, I am honored that you have added my galleries to your favorites list. You will love Italy as there is so much history there.
Erik Fossum 12-Apr-2006 02:51
Your photos are wonderful! I have studied 2 years worth of art history and after seeing your photos I plan my next european trip to Italy. I'm a photographer and love how I can see your thought processes from photo to photo in your sequences. It almost makes me feel like I'm there. Very Cool! I added your site to my favorites list. Thanks.
Guest 29-Mar-2006 12:07
Beautiful family and beutiful photo galleries!!. MarĂ­a
Barbara Fletcher 11-Jul-2005 08:34
Gordon: Jim and I love seeing the beautiful photos from Italy! We especially appreciate seeing those wonderful pictures of the children and grandchildren we share with you and Margene. Thanks! Barbara
bjpetersen 12-May-2005 05:53
Gordon: I wanted to see Holly's wedding pictures, but they say I need a password..and I couldn't figure out what to use to get in to see them. What should I do? I'd love to see the wedding. BJ/sis
Bob Eyre 15-Jan-2005 17:36
I fully agree with the other comments in your guest book. AWESOME! So glad you picked this hobby so others could enjoy your beautiful pictures. Keep them coming.

Your big brother, Bob
Anne Pikula 22-Apr-2004 16:21
Gordon, this is an awesome website and your photography is extremely professional. Keep up the beautiful work! We're fortunate to have you, Margene & Viola as our neighbors and friends.
Benjamin 17-Mar-2004 01:01
awesome shots, dad.!
I can't tell you how excited I am to know that you're now dabbling in the wonderful digital photography world. It's a blast, ain't it? I can remember when I accepted the invitation to goto U of I, and first learned how to manipulate images on the computer. Wow! It's still a blast, and I'm so glad you have started getting into it like this. I hope to soon learn some photoshop tricks from a young jedi such as you.
Brad 16-Feb-2004 16:04

You are off to a great start. Being able to veiw your work in realtime with no wait is very nice. I will let you learn all the tricks of digital and then you can educate me.

Arlene 10-Feb-2004 01:40
Such wonderful pictures, Gordon and Harley is just beautiful. Too bad he and Tucker are separated by so many miles...I think they good be best buds. Arlene