Message from Arnulf M. Elvevold
My fascination for photographing has grown a lot during the time I've been on PBase. I am very impressed by the many skilled photographers displaying their photos here, and I am learning a bit every day. Some of my co-members have given me valuable comments and guidance to making better photos.
But photography has never been and will never be anything else than one of my hobbies. Taking photos from my home town, from the surrounding mountains and when I am travelling is great fun, and showing them to others likewise. PBase is thus a great way to share my pictures with friends and anybody else visiting this site. I hope many of you will have a look. Voting, however, is not important. I don't care very much about votes.
During my time on PBase it's been ever more difficult to see any correlation between number of votes and the quality of galleries and single photos as I see it. My favourite photographers are all too seldom up there among the "big shots".

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